Tourist hotspots in Thailand, including the famous tourist island of Koh Phi-Phi, featured in the movie “The Beach,” are facing a severe water shortage due to an unprecedented heatwave affecting Southeast Asia.

Koh Phi-Phi, known for its stunning white sand beaches and turquoise waters, attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. The lack of rainfall has caused a significant drop in water levels in the region’s reservoirs, putting the private company that supplies water to the islands in a difficult position.

The president of the Krabi Region Hoteliers Association, Wichupan Phukaoluan Srisanya, has confirmed that the water supply may have to be halted. However, tourists planning to visit the islands can be assured that the situation is under control.

The potential impact of the water shortage on tourism is a cause for concern. Authorities are considering drastic measures to bring water from the mainland if the rainy season is delayed. Some residents have reported that water shortages have persisted for months, leading to a significant decrease in hotel guests. This is a clear indication of the potential impact on the tourism industry.

On the TripAdvisor review site, one user reported that the water in their hotel had stopped running, and other messages advised travelers to “make sure their accommodations have access to fresh water” before booking.

According to the local tourism office, Koh Samui, another famous tourist island in the Gulf of Thailand, has experienced similar dry and hot weather, but visitors have not been affected.

A tanker truck transports water back and forth to the mainland, “but this triples the cost of running hotels,” said Ratchaparon Poolsawadee, president of the Koh Samui Tourism Association.

The weather conditions in Thailand have been extreme, to say the least. Throughout almost a week in April, the authorities in Bangkok issued extreme heat warnings daily. The ‘felt temperature’ exceeded 52°C during this period. These extreme weather conditions, including the El Niño phenomenon, contribute to this year’s exceptionally warm weather, a global concern.

Scientists warn that human-induced climate change will result in more frequent, longer, and more severe heatwaves.

Although the El Niño phenomenon contributes to this year’s exceptionally warm weather, according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, Asia is warming faster than the global average.


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