I was gifted items of clothing from adidas for the purposes of this post. All words and opinions are my own.

These days we take a slightly different approach to our camping trips. When it was just Luke and I, we used camping mainly as a means to an end. It meant we could go and explore some stunning areas of the country, enjoy a good hike or day out and then return to the tent later in the day. Nowadays, with two young children in tow, we tend to take things a bit slower and spend more time at the campsite.

As our boys get older, we find that what they want from a holiday has changed. There was a time they would be happy to spend hours playing on the swings at a campsite, or just hanging around with us. But as they get older they are a bit more demanding. If we’re taking them away from their beloved screens, we’d better have lots of camping activities up our sleeves to keep them occupied!

Having said that, we try to stick to a budget when we’re camping. A family day out to an attraction costs a lot of money these days, so we mostly rely on simple camping activities that don’t cost a lot but will keep them happy for as long as possible. 


The most straight forward activities are usually the best! On our last trip we took a football, a frisbee and a game of catch. The boys love running around, and taking a ball or two with us means that they often end up playing with the other kids on the site.

If you’re going to be running around and joining in with the youngsters, it’s a good idea to invest in a few key pieces of active wear. A good sports bra is a must for the ladies, and comfortable trainers make a big difference on a camping trip when you’re on your feet a lot longer than you would be at home.

Sunny Days

If you’re lucky enough to enjoy some good weather while you’re camping, there’s a few things you can do to make the most of the sun. Previously we’ve taken a small paddling pool with us, the kids love it and it also proves very useful for cooling drinks!

Water pistols also go down well, just make sure you use them far away from other people’s tents!


We still like to get out on walks, even if we don’t cover as many miles as we used to. On our last camping trip we enjoyed a lovely 3 mile walk, which was just the right distance for everyone.

If you prefer to stay closer to the campsite, you can look for mini beasts or do a scavenger hunt. Many campsites have nature walks or will be able to point you in the direction of local routes.

I have just discovered the bird ID app, Merlin Bird ID (Free download from your app store) which is a great activity for the whole family to do together.

Camping Favourites

I love to get the boys involved in some traditional camping activities. Finn is a member of Cubs, so loves to practice his skills. We let him help with the fire (under close supervision), and both boys can help out with cooking, washing up and fetching water.

Roasting marshmallows always goes down a treat in the evenings. I just make sure they are supervised and everyone is wrapped up warm for an evening around the campfire. I love my adidas hoodie and wear it all the time, whether I’m relaxing at home or outdoors.

Rainy Days

Ok, ok I know what you’re thinking. It’s all well and good if it stays dry on your camping trip, but what can you do if it rains?

Again, we keep it simple. Card games and two player games on the tablet like draughts or battleships always go down well. Uno is also a winner, as everyone can play. I use a plastic container to keep the cards together and stop them blowing away in the breeze.

Our camping trips are also a good opportunity to enjoy reading together, whether that’s outside around the fire or inside the tent all snuggled up in bed.

What are your favourite camping activities?

Are you looking for more advice on camping with children?

How to Survive Camping with a Toddler

The Beginners Guide to Camping Etiquette

Cheap and Easy Camping Recipes


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