La Palmera Ridge was our last destination when we once visited the sleepy town of Columbio in Sultan Kudarat. We had so much fun chasing waterfalls in both Pangadilan Falls and Fekung Bula and we thought of nowhere else to cap off the adventure than in La Palmera Ridge. The promise of sprawling hills and verdant ridges during sunset was the perfect ender to our rather awesome journey. The initial plan was to spend the night here but some unexpected circumstances arose and we were forced to discard the idea.

As much as I enjoyed our destination, the drive through the rugged terrain made this journey a tad sweeter. By this time, I was no longer dreading the ride but looking forward to the surprises. It was Mohamad’s skillful driving that put all the difficult roads to shame and my worries away. This enabled me to appreciate the scenic views more and realize what an otherworldly paradise this town was.

It didn’t matter how treacherous the roads were, I was one with the motorcycle. My body glided at its every sway. Every screech the tires made no longer made me cringe. The bumps were a fun obstacle and the slippery terrain was never a bother. I loved the freedom it gave me. It was an enjoyable ride and I can only thank the heavens and Mohamad for such a fun experience.

When we reached the part filled with palm trees, all I could do was be in awe. The entire land dotted by them looked so relaxing. It reminded me of a peaceful and laid-back life. A place of complete serenity and a soothing aesthetic that reminds me of good times.  This went on until we reached the final ascent to La Palmera Ridge.

Upon arriving at our destination, the first thing I did was sip a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Not many people know but the province of Sultan Kudarat has recently risen to become the country’s coffee capital. If you happen to visit, a cup of locally grown coffee is a must while relishing the gorgeous view of the surrounding mountains.

Gorgeous is an understatement to the kind of place La Palmera is. The photos I had taken were not even able to capture its allure hence failing to give it justice. The sprawling hills were never-ending. The lushness of the tall cogon grass was vibrant yet calming to the eyes.  The view gets even more surreal towards sundown.

Imagine standing on a mountain ridge as the sun begins its descent. The sky is painted in a breathtaking array of colors: fiery oranges, deep reds, and soft pinks blend seamlessly into the cool purples and blues of the twilight. The jagged silhouette of the ridge cuts sharply against this vibrant canvas, each peak and valley bathed in a warm, golden light.

The air is crisp and cool, carrying with it the faint scent of earth. At that moment, I felt a profound sense of peace and solitude, as if the entire world had slowed down. The fading light casts a serene glow over the rugged peaks, creating a perfect, tranquil end to another awesome day filled with adventure.


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