After my travels of last week I’ve kept local this week with a few trips up onto Longridge Fell. Bank Holiday Monday I certainly won’t be travelling far. The family are here and we usually take the dogs up there for some exercise.

If you remember I started photographing the vegetation in Cowley Brook Plantation on a regular basis to watch the variation with the seasons as the year progressed. This is an opportunity for an interim review, just over halfway through the year.

There is little brightness in the sky today, no two days alike this year, but after some hearty soup we drive up the fell to our usual parking place. The dogs can’t wait to get out and sniff their way into the trees. The obvious change over the year so far has been the surge in vegetation. The newly planted trees; mainly oak, birch and mountain ash have had a growth spurt. The self seeded larch and spruce are competing with the deciduous for dominance and I think they may win out. Perhaps some better forest management would thin out the pines to allow the young deciduous to thrive.

On the ground, heather is blooming and perfuming the air. Blackberries are rampant this year whilst bilberries are coming to the end of their season. The Rowan berries are reaching their brightest red. Higher the bracken has reached head height and the path can hardly be made out, although the dogs seem to know the way.

Its good to see some fungi newly emerged, I must try and improve my identification skills this autumn.

We have had a storm this week, I’ve forgotten its name, and there are trees blown down or snapped off. All part of evolution of the woods.

Here are some pictures of the day, all self explanatory.





Water always attracts the dogs and the humans.20240826_16220320240826_162214

Anyhow a good update, a good romp for the dogs and some country air for my city bound family. 20240826_162953

And then there are the idiots of this world…


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