I was gifted some items of clothing from adidas for the purposes of this post. All words and opinions are my own.

I don’t know about you, but I always find this time of year a struggle. It takes me ages to get used to the clocks going back, and I find that the darkness makes me feel even more tired and sluggish than usual. 

Throw in the fact that this is my busy time at work and the weather is often dismal, and it takes an extra effort to get out and spend some time outdoors. 

However that is not to say that outdoor adventures should be shelved until the spring. It’s so worthwhile spending time outside at any time of year, and getting out in the winter can be especially rewarding. 

So what are my top tips for enjoying winter outdoor adventures?

Quality over Quantity

Firstly, a change of mindset is necessary. At this time of year we definitely prioritise quality over quantity. Back in the day, our time outdoors was all about how far or how high we walked, but now it’s all about enjoying family time and taking the pressure off. Simple adventures still count! 

A twilight walk with head torches,  a warm food picnic in the park or taking your stove out on a walk, it doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy your time outside. 

Also, don’t think that you have to spend hours and hours outside. Often the best adventures are short and sweet: that way nobody gets too cold, tired or wet and everyone stays happy (that’s the plan anyway!)

At the weekend we ventured to some local woods with our biolite stove and cooked up sausage sandwiches for a lovely al fresco brunch. A warm flask of hot chocolate provided a hit of sugar to keep the kids happy and keep spirits high, even as it started to rain. 

We all enjoyed our time outdoors, the boys loved collecting sticks for the stove and it was nice to have a reward for our hard work. We wouldn’t attempt this in the summer due to the fire risk-but it made a nice microadventure on a damp day.

The Right Kit

Being prepared is super important on winter adventures. I’ve written previously about how to dress for the cold, but it’s always worth repeating: layers are key! 

A good base layer, an insulating layer, like a fleece and a weatherproof layer will all help to keep you snug and dry. I have bought the boys waterproof trousers and sturdy outdoor boots, as even if it isn’t raining, they get soaked when the ground is damp. Our trusty Pacmat also comes everywhere with us at this time of year, it means we can always have a dry seat!

I like wearing leggings these days. I find them more soft and comfortable than walking trousers, plus it’s easy to slip a pair of waterproof trousers over the top on a wet day. 

The Right Fuel

I find that one way to ensure enjoyable winter outdoor adventures is to include food and drink, even better if your fuel is warm. This always helps keep everyone motivated and provides a welcome morale boost if people are flagging. 

A warm drink always brightens up a cold day

A few snacks and a warm drink can work wonders and keep everyone smiling.

Do you enjoy getting outdoors in the winter? What are your top tips to make the most of this time of year?


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