Last week I was dining on wild garlic and poaches eggs, a delicacy. A reader recommended wild garlic and mushroom risotto so off I went to collect more in the woods. I had to be content with bought mushrooms, there aren’t many wild edible ones at this time of the year as far as I know. A successful recipe and I had garlic leaves to spare, so froze a bag of them.

Wild Garlic and Mushroom Risotto.

This week I turned my attention to the garden which has become a little, maybe a lot, neglected in the last two years. I didn’t have to worry about the lawn as it is ‘No mow May’. But the borders needed weeding, I donned my thick gloves and started with the nettles and brambles. Before long I had a barrow load of nettles. I set to and stripped off the youngest, freshest leaves for cooking. I have often made nettle soup before and checking a few recipes found one with wild garlic  – how convenient. I washed the nettle leaves and defrosted the frozen garlic. Cooked an onion and added the all the leaves whilst boiling a few potatoes. The latter were added, along with seasonings and left to simmer. I still use a pressure cooker for soups. Add a little cream and I had the most satisfying tea. I use ‘tea’ as in the Northern style – a substantial meal early evening. ‘Dinner’ is at lunchtime and ‘Supper’ a snack before bed. ‘Lunch’ doesn’t figure.

From garden to table. It must be full of goodness. 



Whilst in the garden I managed to capture a shot of an Orange Tip enjoying my geraniums. These early butterflies are everywhere at the moment but had eluded my lens the other day. P1060099

This entry was posted in Flora and Fauna., Garden, Lancashire., Longridge and tagged Flora and Fauna, Garden, Lancashire, Longridge on by bowlandclimber.


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